Implementing Matilda
In this tutorial, we go through the basic steps for implementing Matilda on multimodal dataset. It is a quick example with specified dataset. The commands below would need to be run in settled conda environment, which could be referred to the Installation part.
There are two kinds of codes for applying Matilda: applying Matilda through shell/Python explainer (e.g. Jupyter notebook), you should use the correct one corresponding to your installation method, which could also be reviewed in Installation.
And there is a complete example for implementing Matilda with only shell’s style by coding in (.ipynb) script on the Colab.
Preparing intput for Matilda
Matilda’s main function takes expression data (e.g., RNA, ADT, ATAC) in .h5 format and cell type labels in .csv format. Matilda expects raw count data for RNA and ADT modalities. For ATAC modality, Matilda expects the ‘gene activity score’ generated by Seurat from raw count data.
An example for creating .h5 file from expression matrix in the R environment is as below
write_h5 <- function(exprs_list, h5file_list) {
for (i in seq_along(exprs_list)) {
h5createGroup(h5file_list[i], "matrix")
writeHDF5Array(t((exprs_list[[i]])), h5file_list[i], name = "matrix/data")
h5write(rownames(exprs_list[[i]]), h5file_list[i], name = "matrix/features")
h5write(colnames(exprs_list[[i]]), h5file_list[i], name = "matrix/barcodes")
write_h5(exprs_list = list(rna = train_rna, h5file_list = "/Matilda/data/TEA-seq/train_rna.h5")
An example for creating gene activity score from ATAC modality in the R environment using human gene annotation is as below
gene.activities <- CreateGeneActivityMatrix2(peak.matrix=teaseq.peak,
annotation.file = “Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.90.chr.gtf.gz”,
seq.levels = c(1:22, “X”, “Y”),
seq_replace = c(“:”))
Example dataset
As an example, the processed TEA-seq dataset by Swanson et al. (GSE158013) is provided for the example run, which is saved in ./Matilda/data/TEAseq.
It contain three modalities at the same time. Therefore, the datasets with the same or less modalities (such as CITE-seq, SHARE-seq) could be analysed similarly following with the steps below.
Users can prepare the example dataset as input for Matilda or use their own datasets. Training and testing on demo dataset will cost no more than 1 minute with GPU.
Running Matilda with the example dataset.
Training the Matilda model.
Install via clonning:
cd Matilda
cd main
# training the matilda model
# python --rna [trainRNA] --adt [trainADT] --atac [trainATAC] --cty [traincty] #[training dataset]
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/train_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/train_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/train_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/train_cty.csv
# CITE-seq
# python --rna ../data/TEAseq/train_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/train_adt.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/train_cty.csv
# SHARE-seq
# python --rna ../data/TEAseq/train_rna.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/train_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/train_cty.csv
Install via pip:
import matilda
# training the matilda model
# matilda.main_matilda_train.main_train(rna,adt,atac,cty)
# Example run
# CITE-seq
# matilda.main_matilda_train.main_train(rna_path,adt_path,atac_path="NULL",cty_path)
# SHARE-seq
# matilda.main_matilda_train.main_train(rna_path,adt_path="NULL",atac_path,cty_path)
More details could be viewed in Hyperparameter Tuning
The name of arguments are the same no matter which kinds of installation. For example, the hyperparameter ‘lr’ in the function ‘matilda.main_matilda_train.main_train’ is equivalent to ‘–lr’ when assigning input in shell.
Training dataset information
–rna: path to training data RNA modality.
–adt: path to training data ADT modality (can be null if ATAC is provided).
–atac: path to training data ATAC modality (can be null if ADT is provided). Note ATAC data should be summarised to the gene level as “gene activity score”.
–cty: path to the labels of training data.
Training and model config
–batch_size: Batch size (set as 64 by default)
–epochs: Number of epochs.
–lr: Learning rate.
–z_dim: Dimension of latent space.
–hidden_rna: Dimension of RNA branch.
–hidden_adt: Dimension of ADT branch.
–hidden_atac: Dimension of ATAC branch.
Other config
–seed: The random seed for training.
–augmentation: Whether to augment simulated data.
After training, the model will be saved in ./Matilda/trained_model/.
Perform multiple tasks using trained Matilda model.
After training the model, we can use ‘’ or function ‘matilda.main_matilda_task.main_task()’ to do multiple tasks with different augments.
Argument for performing tasks Argument
More details could be viewed in Hyperparameter Tuning
–classification: whether to do cell type classification.
–fs: whether to do cell type feature selection.
–dim_reduce: whether to do dimension reduction.
–simulation: whether to do simulation.
–simulation_ct: an index for which cell type to simulate, could be the real type label. “-1” means to simulate all types. Only be activated when simulation = True.
–simulation_num: the number of cells to simulate for the specified cell type. Only be activated when simulation = True.
0) import Matilda & Define the path of Training data, Test data
Install via pip:
import matilda
1) Multi-task on the training data
Data Simulation
Install via clonning:
# using the trained model for data simulation
# python --rna [trainRNA] --adt [trainADT] --atac [trainATAC] --cty [traincty] --simulation True --simulation_ct -1 --simulation_num 200
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/train_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/train_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/train_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/train_cty.csv --simulation True --simulation_ct -1 --simulation_num 200
Install via pip:
# Using the trained model for data simulation, example:
Output: The output will be saved in ./Matilda/output/simulation_result/TEAseq/reference/. To generate UMAP plots for the simulated data using R, run ./Matilda/qc/visualize_simulated_data.Rmd. The UMAPs are:
Dimension Reduction
Install via clonning:
# using the trained model for data dimension reduction and visualisation
# python --rna [trainRNA] --adt [trainADT] --atac [trainATAC] --cty [traincty] --dim_reduce True
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/train_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/train_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/train_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/train_cty.csv --dim_reduce True
Install via pip:
# Using the trained model for data dimension reduction and visualisation, example:
Output: The output will be saved in ./Matilda/output/dim_reduce/TEAseq/reference/. To generate UMAP plots and 4 clustering metrices, i.e., ARI, NMI, FM, Jaccard, for the latent space using R, run ./Matilda/qc/visualize_latent_space.Rmd. The UMAPs are:
Feature Selection
Install via clonning:
# using the trained model for feature selection
# python --rna [trainRNA] --adt [trainADT] --atac [trainATAC] --cty [traincty] --fs True
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/train_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/train_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/train_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/train_cty.csv --fs True
Install via pip:
# Using the trained model for feature selection, example:
Output: The output, i.e. feature importance scores, will be saved in ./Matilda/output/marker/TEAseq/reference/.
2) Multi-task on the query data
Install via clonning:
# using the trained model for classifying query data
# python --rna [queryRNA] --adt [queryADT] --atac [queryATAC] --cty [querycty] --classification True
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/test_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/test_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/test_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/test_cty.csv --classification True --query True
Install via pip:
# Using the trained model for classifying query data, example:
Output: The output will be saved in ./Matilda/output/classification/TEAseq/query/.
cell ID: 0 real cell type: T.CD4.Memory predicted cell type: T.CD4.Naive probability: 0.77
cell ID: 1 real cell type: B.Activated predicted cell type: B.Activated probability: 0.53
cell ID: 2 real cell type: B.Naive predicted cell type: B.Naive probability: 0.73
cell ID: 3 real cell type: T.CD4.Naive predicted cell type: T.CD4.Naive probability: 0.78
cell ID: 4 real cell type: T.CD4.Memory predicted cell type: T.CD4.Memory probability: 0.87
cell ID: 5 real cell type: Mono.CD14 predicted cell type: Mono.CD14 probability: 0.95
cell ID: 6 real cell type: B.Naive predicted cell type: B.Naive probability: 0.78
cell ID: 7 real cell type: Mono.CD14 predicted cell type: Mono.CD14 probability: 0.96
cell ID: 8 real cell type: T.CD8.Effector predicted cell type: T.CD8.Effector probability: 0.95
cell type ID: 0 cell type: B.Activated prec : tensor(72.2454, device='cuda:0') number: 180
cell type ID: 1 cell type: B.Naive prec : tensor(98.1400, device='cuda:0') number: 802
cell type ID: 2 cell type: DC.Myeloid prec : tensor(40., device='cuda:0') number: 11
cell type ID: 3 cell type: Mono.CD14 prec : tensor(98.6156, device='cuda:0') number: 639
cell type ID: 4 cell type: Mono.CD16 prec : tensor(74.1379, device='cuda:0') number: 37
cell type ID: 5 cell type: NK prec : tensor(97.1820, device='cuda:0') number: 283
cell type ID: 6 cell type: Platelets prec : tensor(45.4545, device='cuda:0') number: 12
cell type ID: 7 cell type: T.CD4.Memory prec : tensor(73.3831, device='cuda:0') number: 1189
cell type ID: 8 cell type: T.CD4.Naive prec : tensor(76.2363, device='cuda:0') number: 1020
cell type ID: 9 cell type: T.CD8.Effector prec : tensor(83.4451, device='cuda:0') number: 576
cell type ID: 10 cell type: T.CD8.Naive prec : tensor(84.5635, device='cuda:0') number: 299
Dimension Reduction
Install via clonning:
# using the trained model for dimension reduction and visualising query data
# python --rna [queryRNA] --adt [queryADT] --atac [queryATAC] --cty [querycty] --dim_reduce True
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/test_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/test_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/test_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/test_cty.csv --dim_reduce True --query True
Install via pip:
# using the trained model for dimension reduction and visualising query data, example:
Output: The output will be saved in ./Matilda/output/dim_reduce/TEAseq/query/. To generate UMAP plots and 4 clustering metrices, i.e., ARI, NMI, FM, Jaccard, for the latent space using R, run ./Matilda/qc/visualize_latent_space.Rmd. The UMAPs are:
Feature Selection
Install via clonning:
# using the trained model for feature selection
# python --rna [queryRNA] --adt [queryADT] --atac [queryATAC] --cty [querycty] --fs True
# Example run
python --rna ../data/TEAseq/test_rna.h5 --adt ../data/TEAseq/test_adt.h5 --atac ../data/TEAseq/test_atac.h5 --cty ../data/TEAseq/test_cty.csv --fs True --query True
Install via pip:
# using the trained model for feature selection
Output: The output, i.e. feature importance scores, will be saved in ./Matilda/output/markers/TEAseq/query/.
[1] Ramaswamy, A. et al. Immune dysregulation and autoreactivity correlate with disease severity in SARS-CoV-2-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Immunity 54, 1083– 1095.e7 (2021).
[2] Ma, A., McDermaid, A., Xu, J., Chang, Y. & Ma, Q. Integrative Methods and Practical Challenges for Single-Cell Multi-omics. Trends Biotechnol. 38, 1007–1022 (2020).
[3] Swanson, E. et al. Simultaneous trimodal single-cell measurement of transcripts, epitopes, and chromatin accessibility using TEA-seq. Elife 10, (2021).
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